Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Our Bloghop Starts Here: Torquere Press


Happy Wednesday and happy 2013 Charity Sip Blitz!

I've been participating in this drive since it started and every year I'm so pleased and proud of the readers and authors who make this happen. I donate all my royalty and Torquere Press matches my donation. :D

This year we're honoring our GLBT folks in uniform -- now, the charity OutServe is for military, and I admit, I wrote a sheriff and a cowboy that's recently out of the service, but uniforms are important, no matter who wears them, right?

I'm so glad that the people who serve can now serve openly, can acknowledge their partners, can have benefits for them -- it was a long time coming and I'm tickled it came in my lifetime.


My story is titled, Acts of Kindness and it features Evan, an East Texas sheriff's deputy, and Russ, an Oklahoma man whose rough stock riding brother took a bad fall and is in a coma in Evan's local hospital. 


It never ceased to amaze Evan how the rodeo cowboys that came in looked like car accident victims.

He'd been the on-duty officer when all the shit went down at the fairgrounds. There were always accidents at the country fair, always, but when Rowdy Parker when down in the bareback event...


You never wanted that much blood on the dirt. Ever.

Evan Masters shook his head, goosepimpling up at the memory. He'd been lecturing a group of teenagers who'd been hassling one of the carnies at the fairway when he'd heard the siren of the only bus the county had, had heard the panicked sounds over the radio, and he'd gone running, only to see parts of Parker's skull on the dirt.

The man was just... fucked.


He nodded to MaryLynn, the charge nurse. "Hey, lady. How's it going?"

"Same old, same old. He's still with us." She gave him a sad smile. "You still visiting every day?"

"They're good folks, honey, and not close to home. They need someone to talk to, so sure I am."

He'd been coming for eight weeks, now. First, he'd sat with Brittany Parker, held her hand, trying not to look at the size of her daily-growing belly. Then, when Brittany had that baby girl and had to head home to Oklahoma, he'd sat with Parker's momma. Then, about four weeks ago, he'd started sitting with Russell Parker, the man's oldest brother.

Russ was... Well, even he had to admit the man interested him personally as well as in a public servant kind of way. Evan took a deep breath, giving his cheeks a chance to cool off and headed to Room 323, knocked at the door as quiet as he could. He was here to visit someone who was sick, not come on to the man's brother, right?


The Charity Sips are available at Torquere Books.

Please, get yours today!

Much love, y'all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi BA and Julia, just read both your Charity Sip Blitz stories and can I say, I <3, <3, <3 them. Your stories are sexy, fun and hot and I'm always in a better frame of mind after I've read them. Thank you very much for that.