Thursday, March 18, 2010

Y'all make me so happy

Thanks for all the emails, y'all! I love hearing from you. :D

I am working on the fourth book in the MJ/Sonny universe. It's intense and requires a lot of juggling, so it's taken way longer than I'd hoped.

I just reread the first 1/3rd of the book, though, and it still made me tear up and get all emotional, so I hope y'all feel it's worth the wait!



StaceyR said...

Yes!!!!! You have sooo made my day. Thanks for the MJ/Sonny update--I cannot wait for this reunion--but I will, happily ;)

Unknown said...

I always remind myself that I would rather a book be late and awesome than on time and rushed...take your time. (though I must say, your evil cliffhanger affected my sleep for nearly a week after reading it. Congratulations.) :D