Saturday, September 22, 2012

What I Worked on this Week

The steroids killed my writing patience this week, so getting word count's been rough. Tomorrow's my last day on them, though, and today's flowing way better than yesterday. ;-)


Active writing:

m/f contemporary western still buzzing happily. :D He's met her dads. This one is due a week from Monday. So next week is all angst, all the time.

m/m novella -- this one's a Christmas story in the Roughstock world. It's halfway done, light and fluffy.

m/m/f novel (co-write with Julia) -- fun, sexy menage, a cop, an artist, a trust fund baby. Have to go in and rework the beginning.


In edits/rewrites:

The Four Horsemen: Ace and Kitty -- I didn't get a chance to look at these guys this week, again-again.

Moonshine (cowrite with Julia) -- I just need to read this through and get it to editing.

What She Wants -- just needs a read through. O.o


Next up:

Repeat of last week. Chugga chugga


Much love, y'all.


1 comment:

Katherine Halle said...

UGH steroids are the worst.

Looks like you've got a lot on your plate. Good luck this week.