Monday, August 26, 2013

Authors After Dark 2013

Y'all... There's so much to tell.

Savannah has big boats.

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And there are amazing signs.

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There's the fact that Just Like Cats and Dogs won the Bookie for Best GLBT Novel of the Year.

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And Julia won Best Ebook Only Bookie

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There's the boobie war between Kiernan Kelly and Jade Lee.

There's the fact that I can make Joey W. Hill laugh so hard she can't see.

There's the hugs -- OMG. 

There's the folks -- and I'm not going to list them because then I'll forget somebody and hurt their feeling and I hate that, but I saw old friends, made new friends. 

I brought books.

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And redneck wine glasses.

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I wore my wolf slippers AND my Star Wars pants.

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AND my tutu.

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It was a perfect con, honestly, and I love Stella and her crew more than words can say. I'm ready for next year already.

But really, when you ask me about AAD2013, for the rest of my life, what I'll tell you is:


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1 comment:

Moma Sue said...

I'm so glad you had a great time. And I'm overjoyed that she said yes hugs