Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Guest Blog -- Elizabeth Brooks

Character Kinks

Many of my characters have a little kink to them. It not only adds some interest and character depth, but it keeps things interesting for me while I'm writing the sex scenes. There are only so many generic tab-A-slot-B sex scenes an author can stand to write, you know!

Craig and Jesse (Assumption of Desire) have a little spanking thing going on. Jamie and Casey from "Dead on Her Feet" like to do it in semi-public places where they might get caught. An early incarnation of Safe Harbor's Rafe had a wicked fingernail fetish, though that one didn't make it to publication.

In my new release, Foxfur, one of my main characters surprised me with a new one, for me: Cheng loves performing bathing service. He likes scrubbing his clients clean, caring for their hair, and then massaging scented oils into their skin -- and he especially likes taking advantage of their   His secret dream, in fact, is to earn his freedom and set up his own bathhouse in the capital city, where he grew up.


Find out more in my new release, Foxfur, available from Torquere Press (http://www.torquerebooks.com) now!

Cover foxfur 900

Pleasure-slave Cheng takes no particular note of the red-haired woman when she purchases his services. But the morning after her departure, Cheng is taken into custody by the Emperor's own guards and brought before one of the rare and terrifying Chained Mages. Already frightened and confused, things go from bad to worse for Cheng when the mage reveals the demonic nature of the red-haired woman. Now not only Cheng's life, but the lives of everyone around him, depend on their finding the fox-demon as soon as possible.

As a Chained Mage, Jin is at best feared, and at worst, despised. But he can't allow his personal feelings to interfere with his mission, not even when his admiration for the slave deepens. In fact, Jin's love may result in a disaster. The fox-demon has placed a spell in Cheng, a spell designed to turn his sexual energy to a murderous ends, endangering himself and everyone around him. And worst of all, they're not the only hunters on the fox-demon's trail!


Masquerading by day as an uptight corporate cog, Elizabeth spends her nights concocting gleefully smutty stories. She writes erotic romances for a wide span of worlds, genres, and orientations, and is also a senior editor for Torquere Press. When she's not writing or editing, she loves a wide range of generally nerdy hobbies, including reading, photography, tabletop games, geeky yarncraft, and silly smartphone games. You can find her online at http://EveryWorldNeedsLove.blogspot.com or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/EveryWorldNeedsLove.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I have company coming!!!

My best friend is coming to play for 2 whole weeks — we’ve done Thanksgiving together for years and I can’t wait.

I’ll be basically out of pocket for 2 weeks, though. 

However, I will do the December free fiction advent calendar, so if you have requests, now’s the time to do them!


Much love, y'all


Thursday, November 14, 2013

What's on my Needles

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First is a cloak for Julia. :D

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This is a lace cravat for my sister in law.

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Ah, this is a surprise for one of my best friends. :D

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Mother’s shawl. :D

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The mindless TV shawl, for watching Dr. Who and Sherlock at night.

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Ravenclaw scarf for the niece of joy. :D

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Did y'all know I wrote a m/f vampire book? --Wayback Wednesday


True story. 

Katherine and Jared are…blistering and I adored them.

For centuries, Katharine has been making her own rules, flying above base human complications with an icy outlook, feeding and living on the poor fools caught in the flames of passion. Beautiful and chill, she runs her love life like she runs her master’s business – with the steel grip that only someone with an eternity’s experience can wield.

Years ago, Jared Aquino had been one of Katharine’s pets, a toy for the vampire to feed from, to play with. He left with his skin intact and now he’s back with a secret and a plan to get what he always wanted from Katharine. The question is, will Jared’s fire blaze hot enough to melt Katharine’s will and expose her vulnerable heart?

Available from Resplendence Publishing, Amazon, and All Romance Ebooks.



She loved the sound of her boot heels on the tile, the sharp, quick click-clack a warning, a promise, a threat. Katharine had a closet full-ankle boots for jeans, calf boots in supple leather for the office, for under her business skirts. Thigh high, six-inch stilettos for play, the vinyl ready to be nuzzled, licked, worshipped.

Her blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun, makeup carefully applied, protective glasses on as she walked into the board meeting for Intensity Incorporated's quarterly stockholders update. The men stood as she entered; the two women glared. It was Hell to be the competition. If they only knew.

"Hello Frank, Eddie, Rick. Are we ready to begin?"

From milk maid for a toothless witch on the Viking coast to whore—to secretary—to Queen Bee with a hefty amount of power and voting percentage and a corner office—Katharine was proof positive that a woman with a little sense, a lot of talent, and an enormous amount of time to spare could make it in the world.

And make the men she stepped over to get there kiss her boots and thank her.

Sweet boys.

"Actually, Katharine, we're waiting for someone." Frank gave her an apologetic smile from behind his horn rimmed glasses, pushing his graying hair back into its tidy comb-over. "Would you like Anne to get you some coffee?"

"Cream, no sugar." Coffee. At least it was exceptional coffee. What she really wanted was a pretty man, stretched and nude at her feet, neck stretched and arched and offered over to her hunger. She sat down, laptop on the table. Eddie stood and hooked her into the secured network with a quiet smile which she answered with a nod. "Who are we waiting for?"

It wasn't as if these were open meetings.

Frank cleared his throat and looked at Eddie, who in turn looked at Rick. Finally it was Aleene who spoke up, looking pleased as punch.

"Our new shareholder, Katharine. The one who bought Artie out when he retired. The transaction was finalized last week. Didn't Frank tell you?"

It would take more than a new shareholder to rattle her—after all, no one knew that the owner of this company was her own sire and that she was simply playing, occupying her time—and she arched one eyebrow up, deflating Frank with a look. "It must have slipped his mind. I hear that happens in later middle age."

"Well, it's a good thing you're getting some new blood in here then, isn't it?" The voice was smooth, urbane, and the man who used it matched perfectly. Expensive suit, good shoes, a two-hundred dollar haircut...and a face she'd hoped she would never have to see again in his lifetime.

Jared Aquino placed his briefcase on the table and sat opposite her, smiling all around. "Thanks for waiting. I apologize for the delay. Shall we begin?"

It took all of her hard-earned control to not gape, not stare. The little bastard looked like he'd done well for himself. Katharine wondered exactly how many women he'd left, and owed money, in the last ten years to be able to afford that suit.

Frank nodded, starting a PowerPoint slide show on the corporation's third-quarter profits, the projected returns for fourth quarter. She cued up her new line—a series of custom pheromone perfumes, very exclusive, very expensive.

It was going to make them a fortune.

It was going to make her a fortune.

Rick and Aleene were always her naysayers, and today was no exception. Rick started with, "That seems awfully chancy, Katharine."

Aleene followed with, "Have you researched this fully?"

"No, Aleene. I was wandering aimlessly down the boulevard last night and thought, 'my, wouldn't it be charming to risk millions of dollars on a whim'." Stupid twat. It took a concentrated effort not to bare her teeth and growl. "If you had read through the information disseminated Monday, you would have discovered all of the R&D reports.

"The project is a sure thing. And, as we don't produce the product until the individual pays for it, all the capital we're investing is a very specific advertising campaign, packaging, that avenue."

She'd been working with Carol and Olaf in the chemistry lab for months. The concept was stunning. And, given the reaction of her latest pets, completely effective.

"I think it's a sound idea. People are very into that sort of product right now, and I can only say that if Katharine thinks it's effective, it will be for sure. She has a nose for these things." She got a long, slow look as Jared spoke up for her. There was something dangerous in those dark eyes that hadn't been there all those years ago.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence." She tapped a few notes into her laptop, long nails clicking. As soon as this meeting was over, she was calling Silvestri. Jared was the only one of her pets to voluntarily leave her, the only one that might have been a lover in time. Hopefully he wasn’t looking for trouble. It got harder and harder as time passed to hide desiccated bodies. "Tell me, what is your area of expertise in the industry?"

"Well, I started in research and development, but I found I was much better at the marketing aspect of it. In the last five years I've done very successful turn around campaigns for places like Chanel and Dior, and I've been a consultant for a dozen more. My references are available, if you'd like to look them over some time."

The way he lounged back in his chair like a big cat made her grit her teeth.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary." There were people to be hired for that. "Are there any other concerns, barring the expected ones, of course?"

She didn't bother staring Aleene down, but Rick dropped his eyes and shook his head. No one else spoke up, Frank and Eddie staring at her expectantly, Jared leaning back like he was meant to be cradled in the leather of the chair and smiling. Just smiling.

When did he start wearing glasses?

"Excellent. Shall I have the marketing team start on a design?" She got the needed nods and sent the email that was waiting on her laptop, already drafted, to the head of the design department.

Jared pulled out a PDA and noted something down, then looked back up at her. "You do know the marketing budget is rather thin these days? I think that will change fairly rapidly now, but if you could get me the figures you expect to allocate to this..."

"Thin, but not anorexic. After all, we're trying to cure the company of an unfortunate case of monetary bulimia." She chuckled low, watched a few men squirm at the tone. Silvestri had been quite…vexed.

"As you say. I will still need those figures." There was no squirming from Jared, simply a steady look and core of steel in his voice she found intriguing. He had shown signs of it, all those years ago, but honestly she had never thought he'd refine it. He'd been such a good pet, so eager to learn what she’d needed, what her kind required from their human companions.

Too bad he'd turned out to be such a little prick.

"The bare bones figures are available in the business plan. Do you have access to the shareholders information or are the lads in IRT still hooking you up?"

"I should have access by this afternoon." He made more notes, then sat back, awaiting the next order of business.

Oh, another very good thing to know. She made a quick note to assure her files were protected and archived. The last thing she needed was for Jared to have one iota of information he didn't need.

He had more than enough as it was.

Frank cleared his throat. "In the old business category, we have the Islington account. They really weren't happy with the product, Katharine. You know Lauren handled that, and she really didn't put much effort into the mix."

Which was why Lauren was…no longer an issue. Custom blends for outside customers had been a large part of their business until a few bad accounts managers had stemmed the flow of accounts.

Katharine nodded, nose wrinkling at the sound of Lauren's name. The girl had had potential and had turned out to be much more interested in bilking the company of a few million dollars. Of course, she’d also been a luscious little feast. "I have a long lunch scheduled with the CEO's oldest son. He's an old, dear friend of mine. Almost family. I'm sure I can work any kinks out of the deal."

Roberto had the most deliciously sensitive collarbones, the most lovely auburn curls.

A soft chuckle sounded, jarring her from her thoughts. Jared nodded, smiling at her as if he knew what he’d caught her doing. Ridiculous. "I have no doubt in my mind that Katharine can work the kinks out of anyone. Her family contacts are widespread."

A lesser woman would have blushed.

Fortunately for her, there wasn't a damned thing lesser about her.

"Thank you, Jared. Frank, don't lose any sleep over the Islington account. It's in my hands now."

Frank gave her a relieved smile. "Oh, excellent. I will depend on you, then."

She smiled back, the expression sincere, forgiving him for his earlier slip. Frank was a dear man, family hand-chosen three hundred years ago to be protected and succored by her sire, and a brilliant researcher, but completely out of his league in the boardroom. Still, he trusted her and followed her lead without question. Good boy.

"Was there anything else, Katharine, now that you have seen fit to take over?" Aleene looked at her, lip curling, so snide and so obvious that Katharine almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

Pointless little twat. Honestly. They should feed the child to someone. Katharine turned her smile back to Aleene, staring the bitch down, forcing her back. "Do you have something you'd like to discuss?"

"Well, I think that perhaps you ought to know that Jared is temporary head of marketing, so perhaps you ought to share information a little more fully with him. Alan won't be getting your e-mail."

Oh, that bitch loved to be the bearer of bad news.

"And I think that perhaps you should spend less time with your head under Rick's desk gathering information and more time on your accounts, dear. Especially as Moira Valen called me and transferred her business and the business of her fiancĂ©—Georgio Ballezza—into my hands."

Aleene went red and opened her mouth to strike back, only to jump when Jared's briefcase closed with a sharp click. "Was there anything else?" He asked, hands flat on the table, leaning toward Aleene in a manner designed to intimidate.

Oh, he had learned a few things. Of course, she had enjoyed a different look from him altogether. The image of his ass, red and hot, draped over her lap as he begged for her attention passed through her mind.

Oh, yes. A much different look.

Eyes wide, Aleene backed right down, practically turning around and offering her tail to him. Katharine quite ignored her own sharp spike of anger. "No. No, of course not. Not unless you have something, Frank?"

Frank's eyes met hers, the laughter almost hidden. "No, I think we should all get back to work."

"Absolutely." Katharine shut her laptop, stood, allowing Frank to pull out her chair. "Everyone have a perfectly lovely day."

Following her out, Jared moved close, walking next to her. "If you have a moment later on today I would like to meet with you, Katharine. I think we have a few things to discuss."

"Do we?" She turned a calm smile on him, perfectly in control. "Have Vivian set something up with your assistant and I'm at your disposal, of course."

Of course. Something within her wanted to snarl, to snap at him and have him on his knees. Part of her was proud—she'd molded an, apparently, strong businessman.

A strong businessman who owed her a good deal of money and who knew altogether too many secrets for her comfort.

"I was hoping for something a little more private. Dinner perhaps. I have a proposal for you, one that I would rather the whole office did not hear."

Oh, there was that look again, the one he certainly had not learned at her hand, dark and somehow dangerous. Or perhaps he had learned it from her. By example.

"Sashimi's then?" She pulled out her calendar, checked. She had cocktails scheduled at five with a client and a manicure at seven-thirty. "Nine o'clock?" She could be fashionably late and avoid the direct sun.

A smile crinkled up the new and intriguing wrinkles around Jared's eyes. "Nine it is. I will wait for you in the lounge."

"Excellent." She nodded, headed off without another word. She'd hear his apology, have a nice meal on his dime and head home.

It was always so nice when a pet—even a backhanded one like Jared—made a success out of themselves.

Monday, November 11, 2013

New West -- excerpt and bouncing

New West

When I got asked to write a dystopian novel last year, I thought… oh, what if the old west came back?

What if there were earthquakes?

What if there was technology, but it was broken and hidden and mistrusted?

What if...


Meet Jesse and Ezrah.



“Boss, boss, there’s a wagon train up ahead.”

“What?” He blinked at Dooley, worried he was hearing things.

“There’s a wagon train, with a wagon headed our way,” Dooley repeated.

“No shit?” Maybe they could trade a cow for some sugar and coffee, some bacon.

Dooley nodded, and he headed up to the rise to see what he could see. Sure enough there was a trail of them, picking their way through the dust and dirt and broken pieces of old road. One wagon had broken off from the pack and was bumping right toward them, ripped up cover like a bunch of ragged flags.

There was a man climbing out the side of the wagon, scrambling to the top of the rise. “Ez! Ez, it’s me!”

Ezrah blinked, sure his eyes were deceiving him. There was no way that dreadlocked, raggedy sprite was Jesse. Right?


“Yep. You wrote, I came!”

There were tattoos on all the skin Ezrah could see, and blue eyes blazing at him as Jesse climbed toward him. The man looked as if he were…John the Baptist or something. Like a crazy desert hermit. Nothing like the skinny, pale, freckled kid who’d left all those years ago, headed out to the desert.

Dooley stared, eyes wide. “Boss. Boss, that’s one of them Grounders. They ain’t good.”

He snapped at Dooley. “I’ve known him since we were in diapers. I need his help. You just hush.” Ezrah stepped down out of the saddle, waiting for Jesse to reach him.

“Look at you! All grown up.” Jesse came to him, wrapped him in a hard hug. The soft, murmured, “Sucks about Em. Sorry.” damn near did him in, making his knees wobble.

“Thanks.” He hugged Jess right back, the skinny little bastard feeling and smelling familiar, even if he looked completely different, like a damned tribesman, all wearing his hair in braids and dressed in skins and patchwork broadcloth. It felt good to touch someone. God, he missed Emmett.

“So, I brought things, but not a horse, because you know, I don’t have one.”

“We have plenty. Or you can ride in the wagon with Cookie.” Ezrah chuckled. “I know you don’t love to ride, but it’s better than eating dust all day with the chuck wagon.”

“Or smelling beans for hours. I know how not fun that is.”

“Exactly. Looks as though you remember something from your cattle days.” He clapped Jess on the back, the beads on the ends of the man’s braids clacking together. “It’s good to see you, man.”

“Wish it could be for something better. How can I help?”

“Well, for right now, we need to keep the herd moving.” He glanced back at the two drovers who looked on with less-than friendly interest. “Dooley, go see if you can work a trade for some provisions, huh?”

“You got it, boss.” The man gave Jesse a long look before turning away.

“I have the urge to wiggle my fingers and go ‘boogala boogala’.”

“You’d probably scare him to death.” Dooley was fairly new to anything outside the ranch.

“It’s too bad you need the help.”

“Well, I appreciate you coming. I’ll talk on why after we settle tonight.”

“You know it.” Jesse’s eyes moved over everything, touched on every bit of brush and rock, one after another, as if the man were hungry to see. Didn’t make a lick of sense. This ground looked the same for weeks and wouldn’t change much for days on days, leastways until they gained some altitude.

Still, if Jess was up there in the high desert, living wild and lawless, maybe the prairie grasses looked fine.

He shook himself when blue eyes landed on him, Jesse’s bright red eyebrow arching. “Cool. Let’s get you a mount ready.”

“Sure. Sure, Ez. Whatever you need. I’m yours.”

“That’s a dangerous promise.” 




Book available here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What I Did This Week

This week? Same as last week. O.o


Active Writing:

Better as a Memory (m/m, cont) -- new Eat My Brain novel without deadline or publisher. Playlist is up to 54 songs. Can't stop crying.

Mick's Pups (m/m/m werewolves) -- OMG, the cute.

Home for the Hollandaise (m/m cowrite with Julia) -- old lovers in small town Texas ;-)

On hold:

m/m/f novel (co-write with Julia) -- fun, sexy menage. This one doesn't have a home or a deadline, so it keeps getting pushed back. I need to get this one open, or it's going to die. Maybe when Home is done...


In edits/rewrites:

Stripper kitties in rewrites. 


Next week's plan?

Finish Home for the Hollandaise. 


Much love, y'all.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Six Years Ago Today...

…Julia and I were driving with our ex and saw a lady on the side of the road with puppies. 

Basset hound puppies.

We didn’t need puppies.

We came home with a brother and a sister. Goober and Sadie. Eighteen months later to the day, we lost the Goob to a heart condition that the vet said puppies don’t survive to 18 months with, but J and I both know in our souls the Goober needed to find his sister a home. We’re basset girls, down the bones, and we love our insane barking girl with all our hearts.

Sadie (and her best friend and brother Sonny) are high desert dogs now, and we sometimes see the Ghost Goob running down the hall, trying to tempt them to play.



Keeping guard over her brother.

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Pretty in Pink!

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Close up of the Sadie. :D

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Shadow exploring the new boy.


"I hate costumes."

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The Goob

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Couch puppies!

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Sadie’s first day home, hiding.


Goober with his Julia


This one is Sadie greeting her new puppy, Sonny

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Our Sadie Girl as a Young Lady

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Sadie and Sonny today

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wayback Wednesday: Mud on the Tires


You know the What If game?

What if there was this guy...

That’s how this story was born. Julia and I were goofing off and someone said, "What if there was this guy hip deep in mud trying to rescue a calf?"

Then, "And what if he was naked? And another cowboy drove by to help?"

That’s all it took...



30 pages 

ISBN: 978-1-60370-330-7

Lee is having a pretty bad day. It's hot, the cows are getting stuck in the mud and he's just gotten grit in places a man should never have grit in. So what's a cowboy to do?

Meet the man of his dreams, of course. Collin comes along just in time to rescue him, and Lee and Collin hit it off right away. Even their dogs fall in love. But can these two cowboys keep from getting bogged down in the mire?



Fuck, it was hot.

Lee watched the heat shimmer up off the road for a minute before he found his turn, hopping out to unlock the gate so he could hit the dirt road that led back to the watering hole off Sulphur Creek. He took off his hat and wiped sweat off his brow before he hopped back into the truck, his dog Pie barking at him from the front seat. It was too damned hot for the mutt to ride back in the bed, and Pie was taking it very personally.

The heat had turned most of the watering holes and some of the creek bed into quagmires, and it was Lee's job this week was to check and make sure none of the cattle had wandered through the thick-assed mud to try to get to clean water and gotten stuck.

He toodled down the dirt track, his pick-up bumping along as he and Pie sang along to Garth. Sure enough, when he got to the damned north watering hole, there was a damned heifer stuck in there, her calf wandering along the bank, lowing his damned fool head off.

"Well, shit, Pie. I told old Frank Mayhew he needed to get tanks."

Pie just tilted his blue-gray head, his one blue eye laughing as Lee opened the door and let him out. "You go keep that calf out of the water, brat," Lee said, and Pie took off like a shot.

Sighing, he got the winch rope and looked at the bellering momma cow. Damn it. Lee sat down on the bumper and pulled off his boots. No way was he losing them in that mud; the damned red-brown baby-shit looking stuff would just suck them right off.

And he was out of clean clothes in the toolbox up at the back of his truck bed, too. Well, Hell. He had to go into Meeker to get groceries after this...

He did have him some towels, though, so Lee shucked off his jeans, shirt, and tighty-whities, tucking them away in the toolbox so Pie couldn't drag them off and dunk them in the muck. Silly cow-dog. He tossed his boots and socks in there, too, then locked it up tight, as Pie had learned to work the latch if he didn't use the padlock.

Finally ready, Lee clapped his Stetson back on over the bandana he'd tied over his bald head to keep the sweat out of his eyes.

Grabbing the winch rope again, he started in, wading through the surprisingly cold muck, remembering that the water was always chilly in Colorado, even when the sun was high enough in the sky to fry an egg on the ground. Thankfully the cow was stuck solid enough that she couldn't thrash around too much, but that also meant he had to really work to get the rope around her.

So of course he was naked in the mud and half up on the cow's back looking like he was doing something really nasty when he heard the rumble of a big old engine coming right up the road.

Of course he was.

The big-assed duallie slowed, red paint just a shining. For a half second he thought the damned Dodge would just keep on going, but that would mean his luck'd turned from bad to good. No, that truck pulled off, one tinted window rolling down to show a wide grin, a Stetson. "Uh. You, uh, okay out there, cowboy?"

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It's supposed to snow here today...

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You can see two of my favorite sights from my front porch — hot air balloons and my mountain.

We’re supposed to have snow today.



I have pumpkin soup planned for supper, I have on my fuzzy cookie monster pants and my Authors After Dark hoodie and my fuzzy socks.

I have coffee.

I have snuggly puppies and my girl.

I’m ready.

Much love, y’all.


Monday, November 4, 2013

The first 10 songs on my iTunes today O.o

Text Me Texas by Chris Young

I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher

Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5

Jole Blon by Doug Kershaw

Everybody Loves to Cha Cha by Sam Cooke

The Fireman by George Strait

Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs

Bucket of Guts by the Pine Box Boys

Closer by Nine Inch Nails

Baggage Claim by Miranda Lambert



Wonder how today’s going to go...



Much love, y’all.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Six Sentence Sunday -- Home for the Hollandaise (co write with Julia -- m/m)

“Of course if you had a few steadies you’ve done better than me.”

“It’s a tough business. I’d think you’d have lots of opportunities to… explore? Taste test?”

Oh, taste test. That was good.



Much love, y’all.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

What I Worked on this Week


Worked this week. Felt pretty good. :D


Active Writing:

Better as a Memory (m/m, cont) -- new Eat My Brain novel without deadline or publisher. Playlist is up to 54 songs. Can't stop crying.

Mick's Pups (m/m/m werewolves) -- OMG, the cute.

Home for the Hollandaise (m/m cowrite with Julia) -- old lovers in small town Texas ;-)

On hold:

m/m/f novel (co-write with Julia) -- fun, sexy menage. This one doesn't have a home or a deadline, so it keeps getting pushed back. I need to get this one open, or it's going to die. Maybe when Home is done...


In edits/rewrites:

Stripper kitties in rewrites. 


Next week's plan?

Finish Home for the Hollandaise. 


Much love, y'all.