Thursday, December 26, 2013

ADVENT CALENDAR -- Day Twenty Six -- Calleigh/Packer/Adrian

Adrian stared at the chaos.

It was like...

How could two babies, two cowboys and the hottest woman on earth make such a mess?

Calleigh came by, baby in one hand, trash bag in the other. 

"Woman, you are not throwing my girls away!" Adrian grabbed the bag playfully. "Also, what have you done with the spare?"

"Trash bag?" she teased.


Calleigh cackled. "Pack’s changing her. I think she ate too many crayons."

Adrian paled. Marlena was going to be trouble. He could tell. His Helena was an angel.

An angel that gave out the loudest wettest fart in the history of the earth.

"Pack. Stay where you are, Mom’s coming with another!"

He was going to pick up wrapping paper.


These guys are that rarest of things, a menage in the Roughstock world and can be found in What She Wants.