Friday, January 24, 2014

What I'm Reading this Week

Hrm. Well, I read lots on the airplane, but all the reading at home is the same...

Let’s see. I’m still reading Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris in the front room. The Crying Girl by Glen Ebisch in the bedroom and Mistresses of the Dark in the bathroom and Knitting Yarns (edited by Ann Hood) at the kitchen table.

Much love,

Books for 2014
1. The Spiral Dance by Starhawk

2. Keeping Sir Thorne by Sean Michael

3. Literary Knits by Nikol Lohr

4. The Relic by Preston and Child

5. The Late Night Horror Show by Bryan Smith

6.  Return to Hell House by Nancy A. Collins

7. Sold by Sean Michael

8. Hell House by Richard Matheson

1 comment:

Katherine Halle said...

I've never heard of any of the ones NOT by Sean so I'm going to have to look them up or wait to hear how you like them :D I wold love to hear, obviously :D