Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Who Stole May?

Lord have mercy, y’all, where did May go?

I’ve been swamped with deadlines and graduations and mammograms (all is well) and gallons of iced coffee. I’m tickled to death to report that the seven months of constant blinding migraines have eased off almost completely. I’m down to one a month, versus 10-12 a day. 

Yay for less stress and more happiness in life!

I forget remember sometimes that I’m so grateful to be living the dream with my girl, to be writing and laughing and watching stupid TV and listening to 124313423090 hours of music. I’ve met so many beautiful people, found so many friends, and I’m so incredibly thankful for the joy that is my life.


What? I’m a little bit of a Pollyanna. It’s okay, I’ve earned it!

I have a HUGE June coming up — 2 book releases, Julia’s birthday, RomCon, and a huge huge HUGE secret that I’ll share mid-month.


I can’t wait!

Much love, y’all.


1 comment:

Katherine Halle said...


But YES, I love when you make these posts because they make me sit back and think about all I've been blessed with and think how happy I am :D So thank you!


(Also REALLY GLAD The mammograms turned out okay)